Long-Term Retention of Oxaliplatin Derivatives
Given that the 3rd half-life of oxaliplatin is in the order of hundreds of hours, accumulation of the drug in tissues may presumably be expected. In this regard, a study examined long-term retention of platinum 8–75 months after treatment with cisplatin and oxaliplatin 41.
The results showed that the plasma concentration of platinum in individuals previously exposed to oxaliplatin or cisplatin is larger by a factor of 30 than that in unexposed controls. The metal is found in both whole and ultrafilterable plasma. Risk factors for persistent high levels are decreased glomerular function and high cumulative dose. The authors demonstrated that the platinum found is still reactive, capable of forming platinum–dna adducts in vitro. Although the physiologic significance of this reactivity is unknown, the findings are of concern with regard to long-term toxic effects such as secondary malignancies.
Lancet Oncology article, 3 versus 6 months of adjuvant oxaliplatin-fluoropyrimidine combination therapy for colorectal cancer (SCOT): an international, randomised, phase 3, non-inferiority trial gives insight to to the duration of side effect with the highest levels being experienced during the 1st and 2nd cycle.
Pulse rate 66 bpm this morning.
BSC - 3
A good day!
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