Home with the pump delivering fluorouracil (5FU) came home with the pump and infusion weighing 160 grams. at 11 am today it weighs 123 grams. honed Louise, the chemotherapy appointment manager at Worthing and arranged my 6th December appoint to 3 pm and advised her that I can't do 8.30 am and that 9.30 is the earliest I can get to Worthing. I now need to get new appointments for. Emma sent the website address for access to the Patients’ experiences of chemotherapy: side-effects associated with 5-fluorouracil & folinic acid in the treatment of colorectal cancer paper published in 1997, authored by CLARE DIKKEN RGN, Clinical Leader, JOHN SITZIA BA Researcher, Worthing Nursing Development Unit, Worthing. Slept better with at least 3 hours and only one trip to the toilet. Side-effects Neuropathy: Hand-Foot Syndrome or Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysesthesia Breathlessness Unpleasant taste in mouth Mild headache Nausea Hiccoughs Dark urine Meds Anti-nausea B12 B6 Steroids Anti-acid r