The second cycle is now complete and another 54 chemotherapy tablets successfully taken.
A key side effects have been the increased reaction to touching anything cold with instant tingling in the fingers. Also there has been tingling when my fingers have touch surfaces a little to hard.
The hot/cold gauntlets have become a must use with many kitchen activities from opening the fridge or oven to using the sink.
The outdoor wear purchased including a Buff snood and heated glove liners are most effective. It was 3 degrees Celsius yesterday evening when we went for a walk and I had not cold related side effects.
Keeping warm is a keep part of minimising the peripheral neuropathy.
The second side effect has been the increased feeling of nausea, particularly in the first week of this cycle. The anti nausea tablets seemed to help. Ann suggests that I should start to take them before the start of each cycle. The vitamin B6 may be assisting with this and the tingling sensations.
The third side effect is the disturbed sleep due to the need for multiple visits to the toilet during each night of the cycle. This has eased as the cycle progressed.
The forth side effect is flatulence. This increases in the second half of the cycle.
The fifth side effect is increasing levels of tinnitus, my ever present friend. Will it return to pre chemotherapy treatment levels when this course comes to an end I wonder.
BSC - 3
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