Consultation with Consultant Oncologist Dr Webb as the first chemotherapy course progress check and report. He asked if I had noticed any difference to the cancer issues since the previous appointment. I have noticed that the abdominal discomforts have disappeared.
He said that the baseline CT scan undertaken before the PICC line procedure in September showed that the cancers had grown. He said that the blood test taken after the second cycle showed a slightly lower CEA score. A good sign, but too early to take it as a permanent improvement.
Further talked about lifestyle and diet to ensure a healthy ongoing recovery.
Added in the side-effects, neuropathy, and breathlessness. He indicated that the neuropathy is a hangover from the first chemotherapy course and the breathlessness is one of the common issues. The higher blood pressure is caused by the steroids.
Overall, a good consultation.
Some irregular heartbeat indicated in blood pressure test some days including today.
disturbed sleep less than 4 hours.
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