300 capecitabine taken, 150,000 mg or 150 grams of active drugs. 24 tablets to complete the treatment in 4 days on Sunday. 6 capecitabine, 3 anti-nausea, antacid, 2 B6, antihistamine anti poo. Spoke to Jo and Peter, neighbor Peter, Alex Y, Jack C, Clive J and Tim H. Also visited the Post Office, Lloyd's Pharmacist, and the Storrington Museum. I was pinged by the NHS Covid-19 app as I had four contacts yesterday during the hour that I was in Storrington. A week's pack of lateral flow test kits ordered as instructed. I did develop a sore throat overnight and sucked a couple Strepsilles to ease it. BSC - 5 Blood pressure - 165/75 Pulse - 64 Temp - 37.4c on awaking.