The Fluorouracil infusion is over 46 hours delivered by a small portable pump. The container is about the size small coke can and is totally quiet. I was provided with a small pouch on to hold the container that could be hung around the neck or tied at the waist. The infusion is continuous for 46 hours, day and night, but the container and the fine pipe did not cause any significant issues or discomfort. On the second morning of having the infusion I woke up with a bleed from the PICC Line entry site and phone the hospitals Chemotherapy Help Line. As the bleed had stopped the nurse said that I should come into the hospital as planned for the pump to be removed at 5 pm. Later in the morning I suffered a leak from the PICC Line site, a clear fluid that soaked the dressing and my shirt. The second call to the Help Line advised that my upper arm be bandaged and that I should get to the Medical Day Case Unit as soon as convenient and if the infusion had been completed, they would ...
Tinnitus and Colon Cancer