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Showing posts from April, 2022

Cancer recovery week 11

Booked a blood test and requested a link for photos of skin rash to be sent to surgery so Dr W can forward to the dermatologists with a request for an earlier appointment. Application of Fucibet appears to be having an effect on the rash, particularly on the back of hands and fingers. Visited surgery on Tuesday for blood test and request further supply of Fucibet. Dr W phoned Wednesday discussed blood test; borderline for B12, prescribed tablets. Also talked about rash and Fucibet. A repeat prescription was offered. 

Cancer Recovery Week 10

Progress with skin rash/infection with Dactacort twice a day and moisturiser three times a day. Feet and hands continue to suffer from the effects of peripheral neuropathy. Spoke with Keith K, Mark D, Peter H, Beryl, Graham H, Ann, Neli, Louise, Megan and Emma.  Phone consultation with Dr W about rash. Discussed My Skin Doctor diagnosis and prescribed  Fucibet Cream  to replace the Dactacort. Need to send some more photos to Dr W to pass on to the dermatologist. She will also ask for an earlier appointment. Also asked about peripheral neuropathy. Dr W suggested that I should contact Worthing Hospital for guidance. Also discussed peripheral neuropathy and advised a vitamin blood test and a conversation with the clinical cancer nurse at Worthing.  BSC - 3 & 4.

Cancer Recovery Week 9

Sleeping better occasionally through the night. Ended the courses of steroid and antibiotic tablets. Had one phone consultation with Dr W about the skin rash and blood pressure. Continue with Dactarcourt, 2 more tubes prescribed. Blood pressure recheck and blood test in three months. Invited to use the My Skin Doctor app. Sent photos of the rash on left leg and gain a suggested diagnosis and an appointment to see a dermatologist in My. Reviewed the 22 blood pressure checks taken over 6 days and the average was 141 over 78. Spoke with friends every day including Peter H, Ann, Ray, Graham M and others.