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Showing posts from July, 2023

Cycle seventeen this week

Had a blood test on Monday with PICC line service. Discussed having a chest port to replace the PICC line, this would be installed under general anaesthetic as a day patient. I am now 9 months into the Folori infusion treatment programme having had seventeen cycles and this will continue as part of my palliative treatment. I agreed that the nurse should send in an email indicating that I wish to go ahead with this. The blood test was good as my neutrophil count was 2.0 so the infusion could go ahead. Had my 7th Covid-19 vaccination on Tuesday. Wednesday was a 2 pm appointment at the Amberly Unit for chemotherapy and was managed by nurse Racheal. Fell nauseous with pains in my abdomen. Crystallized ginger and ginger tea helped. With only one infusion during the past eight weeks it is not a surprise to have had some discomfort. The normal side effects are less worrying now. On Friday another appointment at Shoreham Medical Centre to have the pump removed, the 46 hour infusion was not qui