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Showing posts from January, 2023

Cycle 9 Day 8 - 18

My temperature spiked at around 10 pm at 39.5 c (103 f). A phone call to the chemo helpline brought an invitation to go to the Emergency Floor at Worthing Hospital. Arrived before 11 pm. and was eventually moved to the Consulting Room. Observations were taken and Blood Test were taken with a cannula. I received an antibiotic by infusion and then there was a long wait for all the blood results. Solium had fall since last week's blood test. I also provided a urine test. An ECG was undertaken and then a chest X-Ray. Also, the doctor that was in charge of my case undertook a thorough examination. His conclusion was that I could be discharged and that happened at around 4;15 am, Arrow Taxis provide a car, and we were home before 5:00 am. The diagnosis was not Sepsis but a chest infection. A course of Co-Amoxiclav was prescribed. The advice of the doctor was not to proceed with the Root Canal treatment until I am clear of the infection and after I have seen the Oncologist in March. At 5p

Cycle 9 Day 8

The spikes in temperature that I think is a virus have returned today. Peak taken was 37.5 c. Needs monitoring. Glebe phoned to say that a prescription has now passed to Lloyds Direct. Side-effects Ususal ons plus Slept better Rough mouth with unpleasant taste pian/discomfort in midriff when hanging washing on air dryer Meds  Stopped taking anti nausea and anti acid reflux to see if I acutally benefit from them during the later stage of the cycle. Observations Normal for BP, Blood oxegen and pulse Raised tempurature during the day, 36.4 first thing

Cycle 9 Day 7

 Tough night, up five times, felt quite exhausted in morning.  Side-effects Tired Headache Backache Meds Stopped taking anti nausea and anti acid reflux to see if I acutally benefit from them during the later stage of the cycle. as usual Pulse 89 rest of observations normal.

Cycle 9 Day 3 - 6

Cancelled my dentist appointment for Thursday due to oral Thrush. the infection is being treated by GelClaire mouth rinse three times a day until day 5. Hope it works, but have a Daktarin prescription if it doesn't. Took Ann to visit Peter at the nursing home. Sadly, Peter has deteriorated since last visiting before Christmas a month ago. Took a phone call from Nurse Grace at Worthing Hospital saying that there was a patient being treated at Amberley Ward when I was there on Friday. They have tested positive for Strep A. Tell doctor if I have a fever, or ring the helpline if temperature goes above 38 c. Side-effects the regular ones from passed cycles

Cycle 9 day 2

Normal temperature again today. The pump working at it optimum 2.5 ml per hour. Normal side-effects probable thrush  sore eyes Medication evolve eye drops Gelclaire and regular meds from previous cycles. usual high blood pressure and pulse rate normal temperature and blood oxygen

Cycle 9 Day - 1

Woke up at 1:50 am to go to the loo and my temperature was between 39.5 c and 35 c over a short period time. Over the next 30 minutes my temperature continued to swing up and down/. At 2.30 am I phoned the Chemo Helpline and discussed what was happening. The call lasted 30 minutes and the decision was that I monitor the situation and not go to Worthing Hospital. I slept well after the call and woke around 7 am. My temperature has continued to swing during the day but not raising above 38 c. Yesterday was blood test and PICC Line service day at Shoreham with Lindsay.