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Showing posts from February, 2022

Cancer Recovery Day 36

Phone surgery about rash on hand that has developed and become sore. Also, a rash on my legs. I spoke with Dr Marco who diagnosed dermatitis and to use Eumovate steroid cream. I addition to using moisturizer every time I wash my hands.  Spoke with Louise, Mark, Clive, Ray and Ann. Also had a call from Nurse Sue Roberts about her appointment letter. Blood test a week before appointment. She advised that a colonoscopy will be offered around 12 months after the surgery. BP 147/77 pulse 57 temp 37.2c BSC - 

Cancer Recovery Day 35

Its five weeks since the end of the final chemotherapy cycle and the last of the capecitabine tablets. The key remaining side effect is peripheral neuropathy with the fingers and feet probably more consistent now than during the treatment. Spoke with Mike and Graham H. weighed 12st 10 lb. Temperature  36.4c Bp 133/75 Pulse 57 bpm BSC -  cornflakes and weetabix porridge & muesli, blueberries and banana Orange Soup bread and cheese, Mayo, chocolate soya dessert lamb casserole, mashed potatoes & cabbage.

Things that made the treatment tolerable

I received great advice from Ruth, Peter, Anne, Margaret, Lynda and others about how to combat the serious side-effects of the treatment particularly the chemotherapy. Protect one's hands Peripheral Neuropathy is a leading side-effect flagged by the consultant and the only side-effect that I was given a separate leaflet about.  Ruth made clear before my chemotherapy commenced that I would need to protect my hands from anything cold, the contents of the fridge & freezer and cold water. She told me that sensation of touching anything cold would be painful instantly. My solution was to buy kitchen gauntlets that protect from cold down to -50c, hot up to 250c and are waterproof.  LANON Liquid Silicone Heat Resistant Glove from Amazon, £27.99 Going outdoor in freezing weather required more than one pair of glover and Peter suggested heated glove liners. My choice was  day wolf Heated Gloves Liners Electric Gloves For Men Women Rechargeable Battery Waterproof Hand Warmer at £95.92 Th

Cancer Recovery Day 34

Another good night, up once at 5 am.  10.1k exercise bike distance in 25 minutes while talking to Emma on phone. Best so far. The exercise should help lungs to recover from the pneumonia. Also spoke with Beatrice and Graham M. Meet Stuart H in Storrington.  Rash on back of hands progressing: Is it a reaction to the rubber kitchen gloves? Worn cotton gloves as an inner to the kitchen gloves today. BP 138/77 pulse 57 bpm Temperature 36.9c BSC - 

Cancer Recovery Day 33

Another good night with just one trip to the toilet. Also, another 20-minute session on the exercise bike, 8.1k. 2 B6 tablets. Fingers suffering again today. Spoke with Roger and Jack. 120ml of goats milk, weetabix and cornflakes. Porridge, muesli, blue berries and banana BP 138/77 Pulse 59 Temperature 37.1c on waking. BSC - 4

Cancer Recovery Day 32 - a ten thousand step day!

Another good night's sleep, awoke just once at 5.30 am. Used the exercise bike for the third day running, today like yesterday for over 20 minutes and achieved over 5k each day. Walked with Lynda to the chiropodist and achieved 10,000 steps during the day for the first time in weeks! just 2 B6 today. Spoke with Peter and messaged Nigel M. BP 138/78 Pulse 59  Temperature 36.4c BSC - 4 Cornflakes and Weetabix,  Porridge, muesli, blueberries and banana Soup, bread, cheese, mayo and lettuce Soya dessert - dark chocolate Jacket potato, tuna and peas.

Cancer Recovery Day 31

A good night's sleep, woke just one at 3.30 am.  The dull fingertips and tingling feet present through the day along with the unpleasant feeling of my tongue. Lips are a bit sore. Received a letter confirming the 7th June appointment with the colorectal team. It confirms that the meeting will be with the Sue Roberts and/or her colleague. A blood test will be needed before the appointment. The letter came with the Macmillian Managing the late effects of bowel cancer treatment. Having read the book I feel most fortunate to have very few of these issuses.  MAC12162_E05_Bowel lateFX_20211007_KA.pdf ( Spoke with Manhar and Tim, Emma also phoned. BB 130/73 Pulse 59 bpm Temperature 36.2c BSC - 

Cancer Recovery Days 29 and 30

Got on to our exercise bike today and cycled for 5k in 12 minutes, my thigh muscles complained a bit! Will endeavour to use the machine every day to help improve my stamina capacity. Yesterday I had an appointment with the local optician, the first time I have had my eyes tested for nearly four years. A thorough set of tests including photographs of the back of each eye. One of them has evidence of a small bleed and the is some cholesterol deposits on the whites of each eye. Spoke with Louise and Teresa. Roger phoned. BP 138/78 Pulse 35.8c BSC - 4

Cancer Recovery day 28

4 weeks on from the last capecitabine tablets that was the end of the chemotherapy treatment. Spoke with Mike, Graham H and Emma. 2 B6 tablets. Dull fingertips, uncomfortable tongue headache, aching joints, tired: side effects from chemo and vaccine. Bp 138/84 pulse 60 BSC - 4

Cancer Recover Day 27

Another reasonable night, up 3 times to go to the toilet. Recovering from pneumonia is a tyring process. Still have cold symptoms that aren't fully developed. The fingertips are still suffering the dead/dull sensation that make typing uncomfortable. Spoke with Amanda, Gwen, Peter and Ann. Peter seems to have recovered very well from his Covid-19 infection. Attended the Glebe Surgery for a second covid-19 booster jab, a 4th Pfizer RNA vaccination. The doctor administering the injection saw no reason not to proceed because of my recent pneumonia and course of antibiotics. BP 138/75 Pulse 60 Temp 37.4c also 36.8c. BSC - 0

Cancer Recover Day 26

A good night's sleep even with the forecast of storm Eunice.  Still surprised and a little shocked by yesterday's consultation with Dr Webb. A chat with Ray indicated that this is not unusual.  Spoke with Jack, Charles, Ray and Elaine. 2 B6 tablets. BP 138/83 Pulse 60 BSC - 4

Cancer recovery day 25

Slept well, up once at 5am. Just 2 B6 tablets Appointment with Dr Webb, 2 pm at Worthing Hospital Outpatients. A very positive consultation: potentially that is last time I will see Dr Webb unless there is a further cancer. Next is 6 monthly blood tests and annual CT Scans with a scan around the anniversary of the operation in August. Blood pressure at 138 over 84 pulse 60 tempurature 36.5c BSC - 

Cancer Recovery Day 23

Pneumonia continues to be a tiring condition. My temperature is in the 36c range today. The antibiotic side effects while less than the chemotherapy are intrusive, abdomen pains, flatulents, nasty taste & tongue discomfort and sore gums are to the fore. Blood pressure 141/87 Pulse 65. Have spoken with Dennis. BSC - 4/6 Fingertips feel numb, part of the peripheral neuropathy. The final 2 Levofloxacin, 2 B6 and antihistamine. Dull feeling at fingertips.

Cancer Recovery Days 20, 21 and 22

Pneumonia is a tiring condition. While my temperature has become more stable over the past few days it still ranges above 37.5c at times. The antibiotic side effects while less than the chemotherapy are intrusive, abdomen pains, flatulents and sore gums are to the fore. Blood pressure still a little on the high side and pulse between 57 and 65. Have spoken with Mark and Graham; Amanda Peter and Louise. Also, Graham M and Ray. BSC - 4 and 5 Fingertips feel numb, part of the peripheral neuropathy. 2 Levofloxacin, 2 B6 and a antihistamine.

Cancer Recovery day 19

Started to take the levofloxacin tablets, 2 a day for five days. Suffered stomach pain and flatulents noted side effects for this medication, but still very uncomfortable. Spoke with Mike, Elaine, Ann, Jack and Emma. Dr Sherwell phoned to say that the swab taken on Wednesday was unfortunately out of date so the sample will not be processed. I told him about the events of Thursday. He ended the call by reiterating that he would say that the thrust has been cured but the I should be aware that the antibiotic may give an opportunity for further infection. Temperature between 36 and 38c. Blood pressure 140 over 73 Pulse 64 BSC - 5

Cancer Recovery day 18

Woke up at 6 am shivering found an extra quilt and wen5 back to sleep. At 7.30 am woke up with a temperature of 38.8c and this seesawed between 39.7c and 34.8c. A phone call to the chemo helpline brought an instruction to go to Worthing Hospital Emergency floor. Arrived around 10 am and reception was aware that I was coming. Immediately taken to the consulting room and Nurse Sean arrived soon after. Blood test, rapid Covid-19 test, and X-ray followed and after sepsis was ruled out the X-ray revealed an infection and pneumonia was diagnosed. An IV antibiotic was administered, and a further oral antibiotic prescribed. After seeing the doctor and consultant I was discharged around 2.15pm. Temperature high throughout the day. Blood pressure high at hospital pulse not mentioned. BSC - 4

Cancer Recovery day 17

My tongue continues to be painful, not to the level of two weeks ago, but of concern. A phone call to the Glebe Surgery just before 11 am resulted in a phone appointment with Dr Sherwell between 11 am and midday. Saying that I have recently finish a course of chemotherapy brought this forward from an offer of an appointment on Monday next. The Phone Consultation brought an invitation for a Face to Face appointment and swab. Very pleased to actually see a doctor so quickly and to get what I wanted from an unrushed meeting. Temp 36.5c Blood pressure 140/75 pulse 61 BSC - 

Cancer recovery day 16

Temperature 36.5c this morning after being 37.5c yesterday evening.  Blood Pressure 143/78 pulse 61 Spoke with Valerie G and Len M. Finished the Daktarin gel yesterday and my tongue still feels uncomfortable. Will give it a couple of days before phoning the Surgery to see if it is caused by the medication of the infection.

Cancer Recovery day 15

The end of the Daktarin Gel treatment, the tube is empty. Now will wait to see how my mouth and tongue recovers. Hopefully, this will be the end of the oral infection. Just B6 today as the lip sensations have declined. The dull sensations at the tips of my fingers continues. The reaction to cold water, refrigerated and frozen items has faded away, but will continue to wash and rinse hand in hot water. Spoke with Mike, Mark and Roger. Louise postponed until tomorrow.  Blood pressure 144/78  Pulse 64 Temperature 36.5c BSC - 5

Cancer Recovery Day 14

Two weeks since the end of the chemotherapy journey, it seems a long time has passed since the last of the Capecitabine tablets were taken. The Thrush infection also seems to be fading; almost at the end of the Daktarin Gel . Spoke with Mike, Amanda, and Graham. Blood pressure 133/82 Pulse 62 BSC - 5

Cancer Recovery day 12

Definite improvement with the chemotherapy side-effects. Blood pressure showing signs of returning to my normal range after becoming raised from cycle 4.  Spoke to the chemo helpline to advice the new prescription and ask about live yoghurt that is now ok to eat again. The nurse was pleased to hear about my progress and would ensure my comments were added to my records. BSC - 5 Temp 36.8c

Cancer Recovery day 10

A good night’s sleep! Phoned Doctor's Surgery about the lingering symptom of thrush. A further prescription was sent to the pharmacy. If the symptoms continue, I am to phone the surgery again in a couple of days. Spoke to Mike. Temp 36.0c BSC - 5

Cancer recovery day 9

Still troubled by the discomfort of my tongue, is the thrush still an issue?  Spoke with Andy, Peter BD and Graham M. Curtailed all of the conversations due to sore throat causing a challenge. Antihistamine and B6. Temp 36.6c