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Showing posts from January, 2022

Cancer Recovery day 8

The last day of the course of Nystan, 30 doses in total. My tongue has returned to a normal look, but I continue to have an unpleasant taste and soreness.  Spoke with Louise, Dave and Chander. Missed the SE District Council meeting and the Probus talk on the pandemic.  Temp 36.8c BSC - 4

Cancer Recovery Day 7

 Almost a week since the last of the capecitabine tablets were on the daily ration. Now just a couple of B6 and a single antihistamine taken each day to reduce the effects of the lingering side effects. The main one being the peripheral neuropathy with the fingertips feeling deadened some of the time. Keeping the hands warm helps reduce this. All of the most significant challenges have faded away as the week progressed, the oral thrust has been the main health problem of the passed 7 days. The last of the Nystan is due to be taken tomorrow morning. The result of the Covid-19 PCR test that Dr Woodham recommended on Monday has been texted this morning. No real surprise that it is Negative. Spoke with Mike, Graham H and Emma. Temp 37.1c at 8 am.

Cancer Recovery day 6

Up a couple of time during the night but slept well.  Reasonable day, spoke with Ray and Rob. Continued to use the Nystan as prescribed, four 1ml doses, tongue sore and unpleasant taste in mouth most of the time. Temp 37.1 during afternoon and then 36.2c at 9.45pm.

Cancer recovery day 5

The GP looked at the swab test result this morning and I received a a text message asking me to phone the surgery and say that I have a System One Message. This was a note from the GP confirming that I was diagnosed correctly on Monday, a Thrust infection and that I have been on the correct course of treatment this week, Nystan. Phone the Chemo Helpline to let them know the swab test result and my progress toward recovering from the Trush infection. Undertook a PCR swab this morning and prepared it for mailing. Spoke with Teresa about Paul Morris's wonderful commendation of the EWH website. tingling fingers, tinnitus and sensitive lips.  BSC - 4 Temp 36.8c Bloop pressure 150/75 Pulse 57bpm

Cancer Recovery Day 4

A full night’s sleep for the first time since the chemotherapy started on 4th November! Tongue still sore and administered a first dose of Nystan at 7.30 am for today. the swab result were returned to The Glebe Surgery today and Dr Wollaston will phone about them tomorrow. In the meantime, the NHS App has informed that the infection is caused Candida, three plus species found. This no doubt will confirm that Dr Woodham made the right diagnosis on Monday and prescribed Nystan correctly.  Spoke with Sid J, Peter H, Ann, Dennis H and Peter BD. BSC - 4 Blood pressure 145/76 Pulse 61 bpm Temperature 36.8c

Cancer Recovery Day 3

Good night's sleep interrupted by three visits to the bathroom.  After two days of using the Nystan oral suspension for thrust infection of my tongue I am still suffering from soreness and a check at 2 pm after two doses today the centre of the tongue is red with an abraded surface and the edges show a white coating indicative of Thrush . Phoned the Surgery to check to see if the swab test result is back, not yet and then phoned for an appointment to speak with a doctor about the second level of medication. Dr Shurwell phoned and after listening to my recital of my symptoms and without the swab test result to support another form of treatment recommended continuation on the Nystan and Difflam until Monday. When the swab results are available either Dr Woodham or he would be in touch if a different course of treatment is required. 6 minute call, not rushed and plenty of understanding and sympathy. Throat easier today, less uncomfortable and speaking is less challenged. Spoke with Ma

Cancer Recovery Day 2

Up several times during the night, but slept through to 7.30 am. Continued to doses thrush infection with Nystan suspension every 4 hours. Hard to know if there is any improvement. Voice certainly croaky. Phoned the chemotherapy helpline to report my appointment with Dr Woodham yesterday and its outcome. When I said that my treatment over the past five months had been brutal, the nurse replied very brutal.  BSC - 4 Temp 36.8c

Cancer Recover - Day 1

 A good night’s sleep, just up a couple of times.  Phoned Glebe Surgery to ask for a prescription for GelClair as recommended by the Chemotherapy  Helpline nurse. Given a midday appointment to see Dr Woodham. She asked about my history and after taking temperature and blood oxygen looked at my mouth and throat. She believed the issue is a Thrush infection and took a swab. She prescribed Nystan . I asked for a further supply of three more medications. The pharmacist is back to a good level of service so was able to collect the four medicines within 20 minutes of leaving the surgery. Three doses taken. Temp 36.8c Blood oxygen 91

Chemotherapy day 81 - Last Day for Capecitabine Tablets

Today the ration of tablets is six capecitabine tablets along with three antinausea, antacid, two B6, antihistamine and anti-loose poo. After three days of real challenge from the effects of the capecitabine tablets a period of calm along my digestive tract during the morning. Overnight it was hourly trips to the bathroom with flatulence and urination the discomfort that continued until 7.30 am  Following my call to the Chemotherapy Helpline yesterday and my conversation with Nurse Hallam there was a call from Nurse Lillian asking about the symptoms today. The throat continues to cause an issue with my voice very challenged, limited talking, no phone conversations. Questions included: How was my tongue - continue to use the Difflam and if no improvement by tomorrow speak to GP and get a prescription for GelClair . This is for the treatment of Oral Lesions and is not available over the counter.  Am I eating and drinking OK - Yes - her instruction was not to eat or drink anything that is

Chemotherapy day 80 - Almost there

Another day of six capecitabine tablets along with three antinausea, antacid, two B6, antihistamine and anti-loose poo. After three days of real challenge from the effects of the capecitabine tablets a period of calm along my digestive tract. Overnight it was hourly trips to the bathroom with flatulence and urination until around 4 am. the discomfort has been on the scale of the first cycle.  This cancer diary has proved its value over the past week as I have been able to see how the early cycles experience was compared to this final one. A message to Ruth, "just 3 more doses of the chemotherapy tablets left to take. Have to say that my smiles have been through gritted teeth on several days during this final cycle. The positive news is that my GP told me that my blood test results are looking very good across all of them, red, white, platelets, kidney & liver function. After just 21 days of 'rest' form the treatment during the last 3 months I am looking forward to a lo

Chemotherapy day 79 - Cycle 6 Day 8

Another day of six capecitabine tablets along with three antinausea, antacid, two B6, antihistamine and 2 anti-loose poo. Another better night's sleep, slept through to 4.20 am. The excess flatulence with loose stools. An unpleasant day with a nasty taste in mouth. Phone appointment with Dr Wollaston for chemotherapy update. She was positive about the blood tests and would write to Dr Webb to investigate the potential need for a 4th Covid jab. Did lateral flow test after being pinged on Wednesday. Negative! BSC - 4 Blood pressure Pulse 57 Temp. 36.2c

Chemotherapy day 78 - A much better night

Another day of six capecitabine tablets along with three antinausea, antacid, two B6 (they really work on the tingling and the numbness at my fingertips) antihistamine and anti-loose poo. A much better night's sleep with just three trips to the loo. The excess flatulence is more controlled, and most of the other side effects are at a much lower level than they were in earlier cycles.  With five different supporting drugs I wonder what difference this may have made to the active chemotherapy drugs. Also there is the question of how long I may need to continue taking these support drugs to keep any of the longer-term challenges at bay as the active drugs begin to leave my body. Dr Webb indicated that the chemotherapy drugs are likely to remain active for six weeks beyond the end of the treatment. Research into the Oxaliplatin infusion indicates that the third half-life of the active drug is between eight and seventy-five months at a cellular level. Spoke with Neville, Peter, Ann, Cli

Chemotherapy day 77 - 300 tablet day!

300 capecitabine taken, 150,000 mg or 150 grams of active drugs. 24 tablets to complete the treatment in 4 days on Sunday. 6 capecitabine, 3 anti-nausea, antacid, 2 B6, antihistamine anti poo. Spoke to Jo and Peter, neighbor Peter, Alex Y, Jack C, Clive J and Tim H. Also visited the Post Office, Lloyd's Pharmacist, and the Storrington Museum. I was pinged by the NHS Covid-19 app as I had four contacts yesterday during the hour that I was in Storrington. A week's pack of lateral flow test kits ordered as instructed. I did develop a sore throat overnight and sucked a couple Strepsilles to ease it.  BSC - 5 Blood pressure - 165/75 Pulse - 64 Temp - 37.4c on awaking.

Chemotherapy day 75 - day 7 on the countdown

To the end of this treatment course. 6 capecitabine, 3 anti nausea, antacids, B6 and antihistamine. Bit of a better night, but 4 trips to the loo. Check diet to remove all forms of lactose that may have slipped in. Spoke with Louise, Mark, twice, Ray, Jack and Chander.  BSC - 4 Blood pressure  Pulse 74 Temperature- 37.5c on waking.

Chemotherapy day 72 - 6th infusion

9.45 am appointment for the final infusion at the Worthing Hospital MDCU. Peter BD drove me again. Easier infusion than cycle 5, all done by 1.10pm. Peripheral Neuropathy, fingers and lips, breathlessness and soft poo.  9 days of tablets to the finishing line. BSC - 5 Blood pressure 178/84 at hospital MDCU. Temp 36.5 pulse 74 at home Blood pressure 178/84  Temp 36.5 pulse 74

Chemotherapy day 71 - rest day 4

3 anti nausea, B6 and antihistamine tablets today. Check tablets to ensure there are adequate for the final cycle. Up twice during night. Spoke with Charles A and Peter BD. Went through the blood test results with Peter who felt that they showed that my body was coping with the chemotherapy treatment well. The white blood cells and platelets were within normal range and the red cells were on the low side. Interesting insights. Also spoke with Jack C about the big story and the retailer survey investigation. Need to add in an article count for each section of the RN to understand the density of retailers also look at supplier quotes. BSC - 5 Temperature 36.9c Blood pressure 145/80 Pulse 56 bpm

Chemotherapy day 64 - challenging night and day

6 capecitabine, 3 anti nausea, a antihistamine and a B6. The tingling of the peripheral neuropathy present most of the day. Spoke with Peter, Ann, Jack C, Graham M and Terry P.  BSC - 3/4 Continued to learn about MS Access, seems likely to be a useful program to extract value out of the NM spreadsheets. Need to drive IAA value and how it is seen by NM. The resources gained from the big investment needs to be collected, understood and used.  JC mixed branding for retailers quoted 417 retailers in 2021 not enough IAA needs 500 retailers involved Match RN covered stores regionality with the ACS Local Shop Report numbers. Keeping the grey cells busy!

Chemotherapy day 63 - challenging night again

Another challenging night with 5 or 6 trips to the bathroom. No surprise as this has happened in most of the previous cycles on night 5. After 9 weeks though it gets harder. 6 capecitabine, 3 anti nausea, a B6, anti histamine and other tablets.  Only 19 days remain on this coarse of chemotherapy treatment. Certainly rushing through this at a pace. Peter phoned, also spoke with Clive. Liam came with Ben G to fit pigeon deterrent mesh around solar panels. Ben said his dad had died in Australia with cancer. BSC -3

Chemotherapy day 62 - phoned the MDCU

6 more capecitabine, 3 anti nausea, loperamide,  a B6 and claratyn. Feeling of nausea to the fore. Some tingling in feet and hands after shower. Flatulence, soft pooand sore behind, continuing to use medi honey. Phoned MDCU and had a conversation with first Chris who listen to my concerns about having a reaction to the anhydrous lactose in the capecitabine tablets. We discussed to use of Claratyn anti histamine to reduce the risks of an allergic reaction. She contacted Dr Webb who, nurse Grace who I spoke with last week said would be happy with me taking one per day. To report any further issues over the next 20 days of treatment.  BSC - 5

Chemotherapy day 61 - Monday

4 steroid, 6 capecitabine, 3 anti nausea, a B6 today. Pain in vein and forearm easing more. Feeling of nausea much of the day. Some tingling. Some swell sensation in lips. Have the Smints had some part in the last cycles challenges. Looking forward to testing the reasons for the raised blood pressure when the monitor arrives tomorrow. BSC - 3

Chemotherapy day 58 - cycle 5 infusion

7.45 am pick up by the wonderful Peter for my 8.30 am infusion appointment. I was called first anchose a window seat on a very dull day The Oxaplatin infusion was preceded by a shot steroid a usual and several others including portion antihistamine. The infusion was made in my left arm and it cause a higher level of pain that the previous 4. Given a dextrose drip for 25 minutes to help reduce the discomfort. Discharged with mor3 discomfort than softer the other infusions.  The other concern was a second raised blood pressure reading at 178 over 86, while less that two weeks ago it is substantial higher that at any reading since the start of the treatment. Apart from the one after the allergic reaction when an inpatient. A home blood pressure device was suggested by chemotherapy nurse.  BSC - 4 Raised Pulse rate, 120 BPM