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Chemotherapy Cycle 26

Tuesday 16th January 9:45 I arrived at the Amberley unit at Worthing Hospital for my 26th cycle of the FOLFORI chemotherapy treatment. While the process took longer than normal due to a delay in the drugs arriving, but it was easier than usual. As always I am interested in learning useful knowledge. With the clinical educator overseeing the nurse who was at the end of his training I learnt some interesting things. Training takes 5 months, patients can remain on the treatment for a great many cycles. They have had patients who have had 100 plus. The side-effects have been at a much lower lever than normal, wonderful.
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Blood Test Results

 The pre-treatment blood test is important to ensure that patients are capable of with standing the toxic effects of the chemotherapy drugs. My neutrophil and Alt levels have cause deferment over the past few months. This weeks blood test results are ok so Monday's infusion will go ahead. That's Monday morning at 9:30 am definitely early! 

Reaction to Omnipaque

Had my quarterly CT Scan at Southlands Hospital's new Community Diagnostic Centre yesterday. The scan required a contrast dye to reveal the cancerous growths and Omnipaque was used. This was the same chemical as the previous scan in August. On this occasion I seemed to have a reaction with heightened feeling of warming, sneezing during the scan, sudden runny nose and irritated eyes. This has not happened during past scans.  Because of the mid-scan sneeze a second scan was done. Unlike previous CT Scans I was allowed to leave the hospital without the usual 15 minute wait to ensure that I did not have any side effect. Odd. Will discuss with my consultant at the next appointment.

Chemotherapy infusion Cycle 21

 My infusion yesterday was managed by Baki the only male nurse on the Amberley unit. I think that he set the rate of the infusion at 60 minutes which I fine too uncomfortable. It causes abdominal cramp and a higher level of nausea. I went in at 13:55 and left the unit at 15:45 more than an hour earlier than normal. The highlight of the appointment was a conversation with dietian Alexa. She has been helping me understand how to deal with my bloating and wind and has introduced me to the FODMAP diet that appears to be proving useful. From the last cycle I identified that bloating occurred from day 4 to day 11. I need to collect and understand the data.

Oncologist consultation

 I have a quarterly appointment with my oncology consultant, Dr David Webb or one of his team every three month. Last week my appointment was with one of his team and two Mcmillan nurses, Sue and Jo. The oncologist asked how Iam coping with the treatment having had 20 chemotherapy infusions. I told her that I continue to tolerate the drugs very well and am managing most of the key side-effects well and continue to search for solutions for the others. She then told me that the recent CT Scan showed that the two growths remain stable, and the Blood CEA marker has recently fallen to 2, the lowest since November 2021. Most pleasing. She then asked if I wished to have a break, which I declined an ordered a further 12 infusions.

CT Scan - 29th August

 The quarterly CT Scan appointment was at Southlands Hospital at 2pm. These procedures require drinking a litre of water/squash during the 30 minutes before the appointment time. Unfortunately, this time the previous patient had issues so my appointment was delayed. I fortunately had no issues with the canular or disclosing die and the scan was completed quickly.  Have to note that my bladder control and capacity was significantly tested, but without any problems.

Cycle 20 completed with the pump removal.

Attended the Shoreham Health Centre IV clinic for an appointment with Nurse Carol to remove the empty balloon pump. that was attached at the end of Wednesdays section at the Amberly Unit. The pump is loaded with around 100 ml of  fluorouracil  (5-FU) and is delivered at around 2.5 ml per hour over 46 hours. The observations reveal high blood pressure, 153/92.